ramlysp @ de' gurkha !
how to stay young, hale & hearty !
let's play 'de blind trail" ha ha ha !
country road ! kalu ujan jadi "mud festival"
ong @ Pengerusi lead d' blind trail !
ramlysp @ de' gurkha !
how to stay young, hale & hearty !
let's play 'de blind trail" ha ha ha !
country road ! kalu ujan jadi "mud festival"
ong @ Pengerusi lead d' blind trail !
1. You can't get enuff of weekend ride (20km is peanut!)
2. You wish there are 2 or more Sundays in a week.
3. You ride mtb with knobbie tyres on tarmac during weekdays
4. If you looking for a new job, reasonable cycling distance, shower and bicycle parking facility are parts of your consideration.
5. If wife wants to go for a family holiday, you googling to see if that place have trail to explore..
6. Cycling come next to your wife in priority list. In some occassion, cycling come first (PCC Prez, Epic ride, Hash)
7. You apply leave for an event which is months away.
8. You wud do just about anything for wife in order to ride new trail.
9. You are reading cycling forum & BBS during office hours (ouch!)
10. One of the criteria of choosing a new vehicle is how well it can fit your bike(s). Or if it's gonna look good with roof bike rack
11. You think Tour De France is cool to watch
12. Your daily exercise is either ride the bicycle or ride the wife (allowed minimum "ride" ha ha ha)
13. Whenever you see a hill, "can I pedal up that hill?" "which is the best route to tackle that hill"
14. You change "pepatah melayu" to cycling experience e.g. "bersusah2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian" become "at the end of each climb, there's a downhill"
15. Salary surplus goes to upgrading bicycle parts rather than replacing broken "seterika"
16. Rather than buying new clothing or stuff for festive seasons, you buy new jerseys or parts for your bike.
17. You change your cigarette to Downhill...
18. Your office hour is spent surfing bike websites.
19. You know the Fakawichief better thanyou know your boss
20. BBS is your favorite cyber hangout
21. If home minister query why spend so much money buying cycling goods, you threaten her that its better to spend the money on bikes rather than spend it on another girl/ mistress/ girl friend. She can choose which one. It works every time for me. Now she dare not question anymore. ( ha ha ha )
22. You switch to sports channel everytime you turn on the TV hoping that there's mtb related events.
23. I'd washed the bike myself but send my car to the car wash.
24. You can't sleep eventhought you eye close for hours... coz tomorrow riding dayI sometimes refer to my steering wheel as handlebar and to roads as trails.
25. Lean forward as close as possible to the steering wheel while i drive up a steep hill.
26. At least 7 of out 10 bookmarks on your PC are mtb sites.
27. Spending a very2 long2 time at MTB shop every week,,, just to take a look of same stuff that wonder me...
28. Morning time going for work at 8am .. like so early for u but when going for a ride even 7am u think is too late
29. U need alarm to wake u up at 6am to prepare for work but U don't need alarm to wake u up at 6am when u wanna go for riding
30. You get good wax / chain or wat ever lube that cost like hell for ur bike...but ask ur wife to shave her legs with cheap LUX soap . . . .(worst ha ha ha ) . .
. .
Sampai kat umah dia, "ceh Malik ! hang guna roadbike aku bawa hardtail, mana aci lagu ni ?. . hang pekena aku betoi laa Malik . . . . "ha ha ha tak pe LT, u kayuh pelan2 he he he " seronok gurau dgn kawan2 ni" hilang stress !. . . .'things positive'. Route ni memang sedap climbing jika ride roadbike. . . ."ini playground aku ni LT" . . woooo patuh le KOTRT semua kuat2. Malam kami p pekena Nasi Lemak Liverpool RM1.70 sebungkus (kat SP kalu size n/lemak macam nii baru 70 sen. .kalu bagi nama Nasi Lemak Fullsus tentu lagi power). . . .bersama Chen, Rin, Derek (KOTRT) sembang2 sampai jam 00.30 pagi . . . .aku nak bayar pasal aku yg makan lebeh . . .tapi Derek awai lg dah g settlekan ! malu betoi ! Thanks Derek !
Sepanjang ada kat Penang 18 - 22 May petang aku p ride sorang2 ikut route ni saja tak bagitau Malek, tak mau ganggu dia. (sebenarnya aku tak larat & tak leh ikut phase & speed dia he he he ) . . . .kau org bayangkan masa downhill dari Bkt Baru max. speed 71 (tak pedah, just relax and enjoy DH) . . . .wow kalu aku pedal memang laju gile !. . .geng2 KOTRT kata biasanya dia org pernah buat top speed 80 - 90km ooooooooo gile ! Kalu anjing lintas memang jadi superman !
Apa2 pun Malek aku enjoy ride ikut route ni . . . . .
Utk TRM MTB aku minta maaf tidak dapat ikut serta "TOUR DE' TOBA" Indonesia pada saat2 akhir. . .aku terpaksa "korbankan ride" ini utk membantu hajat kawan2 lain di KL mulai 3 hingga 22 Jun. . .macam lagu P Ramlee. . ."berkorban apa saja. . . .tour d' toba atau kawan . . .itulah kasih mesera . . .sejati dan mulia" hu hu hu hu hu ! Melepas ride ke Danao Toba kali ini. . . .(tak pe, lain kali aku nak buat solo ride dari Medan > Danao Toba . . .)
C U guys !
Dist : 30km
Time : 2 jam 35 min.
Riders : Roslan, ramlysp, w Shahidan & his JR, Yusof and Pak Mail
"Staying positive during tough times will help you see that all events work for your highest good".
Loh, no problem 'ride to summit . . . & fast downhill" !
Ping@korea _ "King Of The Mountain". . .
" I ride for fun & aim for Best BP & Best Pulse Rate & got it " - ramlySP MTB
Pengerusi SP MTB Jamboree 2008 Mr Ong d' Clock Tower !
Setiausaha I - ramlySP "jump wz ur' hardtail" !
Wan Shahidan @ d' pain master d import khas dr Perlis . . ."aku tak rasa letih pun, kena redah lagi wooiii sampai aku rasa letih ! "
Boleh kayuh tapi saja depa action tolak beskal tuu !
Penang Hill teruk lagi . . . !
Antara Sp Riders yg tak ikut kami . . . asyik dok melata aje !
Demo "jump wz ur' hartaill" gagal ! makan rumput ha ha ha !
alaaaaa sikit ajee tuuu ! baru 'seksi & macho' ! Aku dulu 3 bulan x leh ride buat f/trapi kat lutut kiri ! Jgn Climb, kita buat 'downhill ajee"
Aku ride NRS 3 aje . . . tapi rasa macam naik Enduro ! I Luv' it !
Wowwwwwww !
Awai2 lagi aku dah secure 'helmet'. . .dah agak apa yg menanti di hadapan !
"azmi/kotrt F%3@7 &876% screw &%$ driver &3%+* !
Skinhead being tortured by KOTRT !
You have to pay for this ! ! ! ha ha ha !
tak leh ride, pikul ! 12kg je !
Downhill jadi penawar !
Haji Shuib he he he *7%@ screw driver !
with 2.2 tyre ^%#kayu@^7%screw drive ! tak ada route lain ka Azmi (KOTRT) !
ST "waaa so shine" ! ! ! sapa laa ambil gambar ni !
Haji . . . lutut injured pun, masih sanggup take d' risk ! Solute Bro ! Balik suruh bini urut 'lutut' tuu pelan2 he he he !
Haji Shuib & Hj Nal . . . puas dok beletiaq ! *&%% screw driver !
Zankx TRM ! pekena kacang kuda aku !
Shaharin (Rin) - "dah lama tak kayuh offroad ni. . ." ayat lama !
Ini dia KAMIKAZE yg dimaksudkan ! Penonton2 diingatkan agar tidak meniru gaya makan Xtreme yang dilakonkan oleh riders amatur ini ! ha ha ha !
Azmi dok brief tentang cycling tips . . . ! I
you all makan laa dulu i tak pa !
ni mee rebus aku + passembor + mee goreng !
+ mutarbak
ST Chia ha ha ha ! Kamikaze ! Go ST Go !
Azmi ha ha ha ! Kamikaze !
Kamikaze Part II. 1 . . .2 . . . .Now !
Kamikaze Part III. Go Haji Go ! Nasi Pulakkkkk !
oooiiii Zankx pelan2 sikit. . .tercekik nanti ! ha ha ha ! Nasi Ayam + Sate !
Go Zankx GO !
Note :
> Thanks KOTRT for d' ice kacang ride ! Bukan senang nak ride bersama dgn KOTRT. You have to pay RM50.oo for Kayuh Lasak .
> Thanks TRM, merealisasikan impian anda ! Nanti aku keluarkan Sijil Penyertaan di atas kejayaan saudara mendaki Bkt Bendera !
> Ride For Fun ! Was salam !